Accelerated Multiphosphorylated Peptide Synthesis


Grunhaus D., E., Molina R. , R., Cohen , T., Stein , A., Friedler , and M., Hurevich . 2022. “Accelerated Multiphosphorylated Peptide Synthesis”. Organic Process Research & Development.


Preparing phosphorylated peptides with multiple adjacent phosphorylations is synthetically difficult, leads to β-elimination, results in low yields, and is extremely slow. We combined synthetic chemical methodologies with computational studies and engineering approaches to develop a strategy that takes advantage of fast stirring, high temperature, and a very low concentration of 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) to produce multiphosphorylated peptides at an extremely rapid time and high purity.
Last updated on 07/17/2022